April 16, 2021

Launch of the first network with a mission in France

AXA becomes the first insurer to launch a network of insurance Agents with a mission in France. Thus, starting from April 2021, AXA Prévoyance & Patrimoine aims to become a "responsible and committed" network through its 1300 General Agents.

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AXA is launching France's first mission-based network, inspired by the mission-based companies created by the PACTE law. At the heart of this network is the Group's purpose: to act for human progress by protecting what matters.

Passed in 2019, the PACTE* law (Action Plan for Business Growth and Transformation) aims to give companies the means to innovate, transform, grow, and create jobs. This law introduces the status of "company with a mission," which allows a company to declare its purpose through several social and environmental objectives.

To become a "responsible and committed" network, it must fulfill four conditions:

  • Have a mission
  • Have one or more social and environmental commitments
  • Define methods for monitoring implementation with a Mission Committee
  • Have an independent third-party organisation verify the implementation of the commitments

The network has recently expressed AXA's purpose as a mission for AXA Prévoyance & Patrimoine general Agents with regard to customers: "To give you durable advice to protect your life projects and pass on a more responsible world".

A mission based on 4 commitments

  • Expertise: "Bringing you our expertise at all times, the result of excellent training that integrates Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) issues"
  • Socially responsible solutions: "Offering you solutions that are labelled as socially responsible"
  • A close relationship: "Supporting you as you carry out your projects at every stage of your life"
  • Actor in the creation of a more responsible world: "Giving you the opportunity to commit to a more responsible world”

Behind these 4 commitments, there are concrete actions that will be audited every year by an independent firm.

Thomas Buberl

Chief Executive Officer of AXA

Last year, we inaugurated the AXA Group's purpose at our General Meeting. Today, I am very happy to see it translated into concrete action. AXA Prévoyance & Patrimoine general Agents will embody our purpose as close to the customer as possible. This is a first that we can be proud of.

Responsible investment on the rise

Responsible investment has developed considerably around the world and can be explained in particular by the rise of institutional investors, growing awareness on the part of companies, and the encouragement of governments.

Saving in search of "meaning" and in a "responsible" way is a growing need for the French, especially in times of crisis like Covid-19.

of the French
give substantial weight to the environmental and social impacts of their investment decisions **
of the French
state that ESG criteria have become more of a priority in the wake of the crisis ***
of the French
consider it important for the insurance sector to take responsible and socially useful actions ****
* https://www.economie.gouv.fr/cedef/societe-mission
** According to an Ifop survey for Eiris & FIR, Sept 2020
*** According to a joint study conducted by BNP and Institut Greenwich Associates, July 2020
**** According to a Kantar study for AXA, Aug/Sept. 2020
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