May 16, 2019

Achieve gender parity in the Tech Sector

Gender parity in the Tech sector: how about actually doing it? This is the aim of 50inTech, which launches the beta version of its platform at the 2019 VivaTech. As an entrepreneur network, and also as a tool for business-oriented help and advice, the platform aims to help all people, women and men, committed to gender parity in the Tech sector.

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In terms of gender parity, today’s Tech sector is far from ideal... 10% of Tech start-ups are founded by women, and only 3% are chaired by them. Women are particularly under-represented in the Tech field. This is certainly not a performance-related issue, because a study has revealed that start-ups founded by women are more successful than those founded only by men! Gender parity in the Tech sector is not a matter of charity, but of growth. 

Fostering gender parity for better results

Gender inequalities in the Tech sector are illustrated first and foremost by the large predominance of males in these companies at all levels. 10% of start-ups are run by women, 24% of employees are women, a figure that falls to 11% when considering only senior roles.

This lack of parity can also be seen in inequalities relating to accessing finance: in Britain, for example, men are 86% more likely to be funded than women.

Focus on health, a strategic area

Although traditionally involving more women, the health sector is no exception when it comes to Tech: female leadership remains under-represented, with only 9% of Tech health startups founded by women.

A unique platform for a powerful network

To address these issues, 50inTech focuses on exchange and mutual aid by building a global network of entrepreneurs who are committed to the fight for gender equality in the Tech sector.

In practical terms, the platform helps to:

  • share experiences and good practices through discussion groups and work sessions;
  • meet mentors, investors, businesses, incubators... thanks to the 50inTech network;
  • develop a broadened outlook through dedicated editorial content;
  • achieve objectives, through the use of tools for evaluation, financial analysis, and personalized monitoring.

50inTech is aimed at all entrepreneurs, women and men, who are aware of the importance of gender parity in Tech, but also at any investors, companies and journalists.

Ulrike Decoene, Group Head of Communications and Brand of AXA (left) and Caroline Ramade, 50inTech CEO (right), announcing the partnership during Vivatech 2019.

AXA’s investment in gender parity

The advocacy of gender parity is a strategic priority for AXA, which is a partner of the 50inTech platform. We are convinced that promoting gender parity in Tech is an ethical issue that concerns everyone. All sectors should adopt measures to ensure diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

This initiative is in line with the We Can Network, a network of women entrepreneurs set up by AXA.

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