January 20, 2016

AXA remains a leader in terms of corporate responsibility

RobecoSAM and Sustainalytics, two renowned SRI* rating agencies, rank AXA among the top performing insurance companies in terms of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance.

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Both agencies rewarded AXA's comprehensive integration of ESG approach across its investments and products policies, in line with the UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance.

RobecoSAM** rewarded AXA with the "Bronze Class" Sustainability Award 2016 in the Annual Sustainability Yearbook published today. It reflects AXA's 2015 overall score increase from 77 to 83/100. This score positions the company ahead of 96% of its industry peers. AXA's transparent Tax Policy notably saw the most significant score increase.

Sustainalytics*** updated its 2015 analysis of AXA: the Group's overall score increased from 81 to 87/100 and is now the 2d highest performing insurance company out of 150 peers. Sustainalytics has particularly highlighted the development of several sector-specific policies to mitigate ESG-related risks in both products and investments.

* Socially Responsible Investing
** RobecoSAM, a SRI rating agency and investor, conducts each year an in-depth analysis of these long term performance drivers across a wide investment universe.
*** Sustainalytics is a renowned "multi-criteria" rating agency which analyses corporate performance on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters in order to serve the research needs of the "Socially Responsible Investment" market.

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