October 22, 2021

Mental Health: Transitioning to a Sustainable Wellbeing Society

In recent years, a higher prevalence of mental health problems has been reported among two groups of people: the young and employees. Every year the number of sick-listed employees rises. Common mental disorders, like depression or burnout, are among the most frequent reasons for long-term absence for sickness. Today’s young workforce will have a very different experience of entering the labor market than that of previous generations with later entry and a more uncertain working environment - including less job security and fewer job protections.

Mental Health

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Original Content: AXA Research Fund

Mental illness has become one of the most important public health challenges, aggravated by the pandemic, which also has had a disastrous effect on many people’s health and finances.

In recent years, a higher prevalence of mental health problems has been reported among two groups of people: the young and employees. Every year the number of sick-listed employees rises. Common mental disorders, like depression or burnout, are among the most frequent reasons for long-term absence for sickness. Today’s young workforce will have a very different experience of entering the labor market than that of previous generations with later entry and a more uncertain working environment - including less job security and fewer job protections.

The AXA Virtual Health Days organized by AXA Life & Health International Solutions brought together academicians and experts to discuss stakes and perspectives on mental health.

During a 45-minutes webinar moderated by Nadia Charbit, alongside Thomas Wilkinson, CEO of AXA Global Healthcare, AXA Research Fund-supported scientists - Prof. Lode Godderis from KU Leuven (Belgium) and Dr. Jasmin Wertz from Duke University (US), discussed the specific issues related to young and employees

Watch the replay of the webinar below.

Prof. Lode Godderis from KU Leuven in Belgium seeks to investigates the impact of work on health and the reverse: how health can affect work (dis)ability and the possible significant predictors of sustainable return-to-work.

Dr. Jasmin Wertz from Duke University (US) aims at examining youth's transition to work. Ultimately the goal of Dr Wertz’s research is to inform interventions ranging from employer initiatives aimed at reducing and improving mental health problems at work to public policy-making for the improvement youth’s mental health.

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