Integrated Report 2023

Scaling up our excellence

Faced with emerging risks in a constantly changing world, AXA has made operational and technical excellence a major driver of its strategy. Through disciplined, precise underwriting and accelerated new technology adoption, the Group is boosting its efficiency and agility to keep protecting its customers with tailored, accessible solutions.

Interviews with Nancy Bewlay & Alexander Vollert

Group Chief Underwritting Officer / Group Chief Operating Officer & Chief Executive Officer of AXA Group Operations

Technical excellence: a driver of sustainable growth

Our aim is to improve technical excellence - meaning the discipline and accuracy of our offerings - to create solutions that are both profitable and right for our customers’ needs. Moreover, in line with our previous plan, we will further unify our IT infrastructures to gain in speed and agility, while investing significantly in deploying our most relevant data and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions.

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