June 2, 2017

3 Tips For Creating Change

Dr. Bronwyn King is an Australian oncologist and founder of non-profit organization Tobacco Free Portfolios. She spends most of her time working with global finance leaders and investors to encourage widespread divestment from tobacco so for World No Tobacco Day (May 31, 2017) we asked her for three tips on how to work with people from around the world to create change.

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Dr. Bronwyn King is an Australian oncologist and founder of Tobacco Free Portfolios, who just over a year ago worked closely with AXA to establish the Group’s commitment to divest €1.8 billion in tobacco-related assets from its holdings.

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On May 31st, 2017, World No Tobacco Day, as she joins AXA Group in urging finance leaders and investors around the world to divest from tobacco, we caught up with her to ask her for any advice she could offer graduates, candidates and employees on how to create change inside and outside the organization.

Dr. Bronwyn King’s 3 tips for creating change:

  • Assume people with different views are coming from a good place. Put all frustration and anger to the side. Be patient and be kind. Concentrate on what you do have in common and go from there. Most importantly - keep talking. Stay in touch. Make an effort to catch up. Views often change over time.
  • Change does not happen because it is the right time, because society is ready or because it is simply the right way forward. Change happens because individuals, organizations and movements mobilize and champion issues that are important to them. Every voice is important.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for what you really want - what you really believe in. There will always be people who will criticize or try to dissuade you. Sidestep around them and never lose focus on your goal.

You can find more information on AXA's decision in our feature article and more info about tobacco divestment on Tobacco Free Portfolios.

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