Find 100+ Reasons to love the future

In a time when society is undergoing profound transformations and facing crises on multiple fronts, the act of sharing and promoting innovative imaginaries for the future has never been more crucial. 

We firmly believe that maintaining a positive outlook on the future increases the likelihood of favorable outcomes. Through knowledge, science and innovation, we strive to assist people, businesses, and society in managing risks more effectively, enabling them to regain control over their future.

Ulrike Decoene

Group Chief Communication, Brand & Sustainability Officer

At AXA, we believe that by working together, anticipating risks, and sharing knowledge we can better protect people and look at the future with confidence. 

Start imagining your own reasons to love the future by discovering these visionaries who have shared theirs.

100 Reasons to Love the Future

Discover the latest Foresight Report

Olivier Desbiey

Head of Foresight

Building a more desirable future starts with being able to imagine it. To imagine it we must gain a broader perspective with people of different backgrounds and points of views. It’s then, with a little creativity and foresight, a new way of looking at current challenges emerges.

Together, with experts, business leaders, scientists, writers, artists, NGOs and organizations, we explore how we can work collaboratively to imagine and build a brighter future, navigating challenges with collective expertise and shared vision.