Success of the AXA 2023 Group employee share offering


Press Release

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November 24, 2023

published at 5:45 PM CET

Today, AXA successfully completed its 2023 employee share offering (“Shareplan 2023”), a capital increase reserved for its employees worldwide, launched in August 2023. More than 23,000 employees in 40 countries, representing approximately 21% of eligible employees, subscribed to Shareplan 2023 and invested in AXA shares at preferred terms. The aggregate proceeds from the offering amount to nearly Euro 348 million corresponding to approximately 14 million newly-issued shares* (i.e. 0.6 % of outstanding shares) and increasing the total number of outstanding AXA shares to 2,267,700,472. To eliminate the dilutive effect of the Shareplan 2023 offering, AXA will, subject to regulatory approval, cancel the same number of shares in accordance with its share repurchase program as authorized by the Shareholders’ Meeting of April 27, 2023. Following Shareplan 2023, AXA’s employees hold 4.36% of the AXA share capital and 5.86% of the voting rights

Helen Browne

Director representing the employees shareholders

Shareplan was launched for the first time in 1993 and for the past 30 years, it has been held every year. The results of the 30th anniversary are once again excellent. Shareplan continues to be, year after year, an important way for the Group to share value with its employees. Anchored in AXA’s culture, it is a powerful lever for strengthening alignment with our teams, by involving them even more closely in the Group’s long-term performance.

* The new shares were subscribed at a price of Euro 22.73 for the classic offer and Euro 26.25 for the guarantee plus offer.


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