This partnership, started in 2011, is part of AXA's Corporate Responsibility Policy. AXA and CARE have chosen to work together in three areas:
Climate Change Adaptation projects based on the international research program "Where the Rain Falls" in:
- India: to adapt the agricultural practices of vulnerable populations to face climate change induced impacts - particularly water stress;
- Thailand: to create sustainable, resilient measures to face the impacts of climate change - particularly the growing unpredictability of natural resources.
Disaster Risk Reduction projects already lead in Benin, Indonesia and Vietnam will be pursued and extended in 2014 to:
- Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua), with projects aiming at reducing climate risks, particularly droughts, by implementing risk management systems to improve food security within communities;
- South America (Bolivia, Equator, Peru), with projects advocating for better national and regional policies that increase the resilience of the populations impacted by climate change (increased droughts, freeze or rainfall variability) and strengthen their participation in the decisions making regarding food security and nutrition.
Capitalizing on field projects, actions to raise awareness of the impact of environmental hazards on vulnerable populations:
Thanks to these programs 2.2 million people became more climate resilient.
Moreover, AXA has been supporting CARE to provide emergency responses to populations faced by large natural disasters by raising funds and making its expertise available when and where relevant.
Preventing natural disasters:
Disasters risks reduction
Planting mangroves in Vietnam
Disasters risks reduction in Philippines
Better understanding and adaptation to climate change - "Where the rain falls"
Improving water management in Thailand
Helping people in Tanzania