About us

Global Enterprise Management

Dedicated to AXA’s key global partners

The Global Enterprise Management (GEM)’s mission is to accelerate the AXA Group’s B2B growth through tailored 360° management of its key global customers and partners. As such, the GEM unit directly reports to the AXA Group CEO’s Office. Based around the world, the team’s ambition is to achieve excellence in the way we manage our Business-to-Business (B2B) global partnerships. This means we focus strongly on innovation ecosystems, work on co-building solutions that may transform the world of insurance in the coming years, as we aim to bring value to the millions of customers and employees that our partners assist every day.

Lead Globally, Drive Regionally, Excel Locally

The GEM model is a direct response to our intention to stay as close to our customers’ needs & goals as possible, as interactions between large multinational companies can at times be complex. Our approach is to drive engagement in our multi-facetted relationships globally, by leveraging all AXA capabilities together with our local entities across the global and unlocking potential business growth for our partners. We made it thanks to our work with AXA’s local teams: they share their expertise gained on the field closest to our customers, and we share our best practices to help them optimize their approach.

Building a customer-centric approach

For GEM to be successful, it was critical to deliver a customer-centric approach and to move the needle beyond business partnership and into purpose-driven fields such as CSR. Applying our partners’ invaluable sectorial knowledge is key: they are our customers, but they are also our suppliers, our co-investors, and our allies, among other roles.

Optimizing customer engagement

AXA provides many of the world’s leading global business with solutions to their risk challenges. Our expertise can be explained in 3 key points:

  • Business development: GEM plays a major role in building pipeline strategies, engaging C-level contacts, providing support during contract renewals, and engaging AXA Management Committee sponsors to ensure we are leveraging all our contacts across our partners’ organizations.
  • Commercial coordination: The strength of AXA is our ability to provide a broad array of solutions to our clients’ risk challenges at local level. GEM helps by coordinating between AXA entities and geographies to deliver the solutions and services that our customers are looking for. All of this is managed in the same simple ecosystem.
  • 360° knowledge: GEM allows AXA commercial stakeholders to see the full picture of our relationships with our largest clients across entities and geographies. This goes beyond just the business side of things, rather allowing for a live overview of the full commercial relationship.

Strategic Corporate Partners and Global Brokers

GEM has built a wide portfolio of global partnerships for AXA and its customers.

  • Strategic Corporate Partners benefit from being part of the GEM framework and can provide better client experience to an increasing share of their customers. So far, we have focused our efforts on key partners in these key sectors:
    - Banking
    - Consumer Goods
    - Energy & Utilities
    - OEMs & Mobility
    - Payment Services
    - Tech
    - Telecommunications
  • Global Brokers gain higher level strategic conversations with their senior management and ours, where we jointly focus on selected growth initiatives.  Global brokers will benefit from having a more robust, transversal, and collaborative approach to strategic planning and tracking of results.

Fabienne Cauli

Chief Commercial Officer Global Enterprise Management

AXA built the GEM team to drive multi-faceted engagements with our global partners by leveraging all capabilities and know-how of our local entities and the fantastic first-in-class ecosystems that our partners have built in their own industry. In line with AXA’s 2024-2026 “Unlock the Future” Strategic Plan, GEM plays a key role in accelerating mutual wins and transformation in the Commercial lines B2B growth, through tailored 360° management, innovation and geographical reach of our global customers and partners.